The journey on which your mind has set out of the body. Into the enfolding layers of tranquility. Eyes are claimed by the whirl that whispers. Drawn inexorably towards its’ centre. And so is the mind. Unearthly unfolding. As the looming circles permeate all that is the vortex descends.
Carried away by this swirling momentum. Frozen in an incessant pattern. You are spiraling out of the world.
My mind oscillates between nothing and eternity. Reverberating consciousness. Offspring of entropy. Dependent origination. Void-spawned incarnation. Ascending from the depths of uncreation.
Opening the eyes to the sights. Arising from the joy of void. Reflections, thoughts manifest. That never come to rest. Polychromatic blaze unfolds. A multitude of mirrored selves. Embodiment and recollection. Fracturing reality. There is nothing you will see. There is nothing to see. There is nothing you will see. As you try to perceive. There is nothing you will see. There is nothing to see. There is nothing you will see. As all emptiness is perceived. You will see.
I close my eyes. Ceasing the visions. The world reflects itself through the gates. Into the shell which is me. There is nothing you will see. As all emptiness is perceived. You will see.
I close my eyes. Ceasing the visions. The world reflects itself through the gates. Into the shell which is me.
Hast thine eye beheld yon enmity That dwells in ye Great Deep? Gazing into ye grand womb.
Hence incising ye vapours that hover above. Why doest thou deify thine own ethereal stillbirth? Infidel thrall, thou art ye servant of incessant void
Thine potency is absorbed by ye barren plains of yon orbed soul-ruin. Doest thine masturbation by Stygian shores bring relief? Ye infamous chasm exhales dulcet symphonies thou cannot sense.
Thus, thou perdition is infinite. Thou rapest thine innermost companion. And thine semen restrains thine. Poetry of the flesh. Doest thou transgress ye dreams from beyond?
Thou rejoicest in thine glory obscured idea parts from ye incarcerated entity that writhes in physical dimensions. The Great Deep vomits forth yon ethereal foetus that makes ye angels weep. Doest thou desire to accept its’ eyes? Art thou willing to transfix ye dreams from beyond?
Thine disdain of ye transcendent symphony enslaves ye image of creation and thereupon bringest forth ye loss of paradise.
Art thou ye one almighty besmeared with ye blood of all gods? Thine eye beheld yon enmity that dwells in ye Great Deep? Gazing into ye grand womb.
Hence incising ye vapours that hover above. Thou divest into ye exhalations. To assume and inhale ye metrical lunacy that savest thee from ye immanent Stygian flood. Infidel thrall, thou art ye servant of incessant void.
Thine potency is absorbed by ye barren plains of yon orbed soul-ruin
Ye infamous chasm exhales dulcet symphonies thou cannot sense. Thou divest into ye exhalations to assume and inhale ye metrical lunacy. That savest thee from ye immanent Stygian flood. Thou art interwoven with ye pulse beyond.
Doest thou perceive ye desperate call from ye fathomless pits? Thine disdain of ye transcendent symphony enslaves ye image of creation and thereupon bringest forth ye loss of paradise. Art thou ye one almighty besmeared with ye blood of all gods?
As Reason sleeps – the sirens sing. Behind the gates – dreamt of lead. Constructing vistas – prior unseen. Shaping the maze of multiperspectivity.
Dissolving the structures defined and dethroned. Swept away by iconoclastic torrents. Polyvalence eroding persistance. Scattering the ashes of symbolic hierarchy.
Newborn spheres give birth to skies, shining bright horizons. Beams of light from neon skies bathe flesh in effulgence. Eyes wide open without vision awestruck gaze in emptiness. Essence is evaporating in the afterglow of a transcendental void.
Float through the void between the voices. In between the dissonance. Trembling echo of fading presence. Cast adrift on the stream of consciousness.
Brutal vocals (…), nice guitars with leads and heavy drumming. Lots of creative twisted melodylines in the songs that enrichen them. Tempo is mostly uptempo but also breaks included. Technical and melodic are the keywords for this promo. (
Around 2003/2004 Ingurgitating Oblivion recorded another demo which was the predecessor to Voyage towards Aborrence and secured the band a deal with Unmatched Brutality Records / USA where IO would share the roster with bands such as Brodequin, Liturgy or Devourment. This was the first time IO cooperated with Ulf Scheel of Pivo Studios who would record Voyage towards Abhorrence as well as Continuum of Absence too. IO had matured as a band and dwelled strongly on atmosphere, refined musicianship and lyrical depth.